FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative & FE3DS, LLC Advising Firm Home Page
I. The Advocacy Initiative called FEEEDS
FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative (full name):
What does FEEEDS® or the FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative mean? FEEEDS is an acronym that encompasses some of the main global issues of today-- Food Security, Education, Environment-Energy, Economics, Democracy-Development and Self-help -- that both developed and developing countries are grappling with in order to address and resolve the challenges for the world community and assist with poverty alleviation. The acronym represents the first letter of these word-phrases, and is a small Africa Intermediary Organization (AIO) working with underserved communities and groups using its voice to advocate for change and educate on the FEEEDS issues.
All of the FEEEDS issues are also connected to human cultural communication and how we relate as people and as nations to each other. FEEEDS represents the first letter of each word or word-phrase noted above.
FEEEDS Advocacy Initiative provides lectures, contributions to Think Tank panels, provides training on FEEEDS issues and other global topics, and works with African Diaspora Groups and Small and Medium Size Enterprises, AGOA, and US-Africa Trade. Under the banner of the FEEEDS Initiative, its CEO, Dr. Robin Renee Sanders, is a sought-after speaker, serves as a Woodrow Wilson Visiting Scholar for the nationally-recognized Center for Independent Colleges and Universities, is a Trustee for Pittsburgh's Robert Morris University, on the board of a leading global human rights organization and a founding member of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) 2015 Society providing funding for the opening of NMAAHC. FEEEDS is the Africa Advisor for a number of Diaspora and other leading poverty alleviation, SME and other empowerment organizations such as Operation Hope.
FEEEDS also serves as the U.S. Office Director for the West Africa-based Songhai Smart Food Security-Climate Change Project and its Think Tank and is a Global Advisor for: UPAC, a leading Africa Diaspora Advocacy group; Allafrica.com, and Africa Today TV. As CEO-FEEEDS, Dr. Sanders is considered a thought-leader on Africa issues, and is a regularly interviewed on Al Jazeera, China TV, BBC, ChannelsTV-Nigeria, and the Africa TVC. Dr. Sanders has also appeared on National Public Radio's (NPR), Voice of America, MSNBC, CNBC, and ABC News Sunday Magazine "This Week with George Stephanopoulos." FEEEDS also publishes @The FEEEDS Index (powered by Gallup Analytics) on key Africa polling data (see FEEEDS Index Tab), and partners with Gallup World Poll on an annual event on key Africa issues. Two books have been published under the FEEEDS banner along with numerous articles.
II. The FE3DS®, LLC Advising Firm (F-E-3-D-S):
FE3DS, LLC: Is a small advising firm with clients in key development sectors for the African Continent. Its work includes business strategies for project development, advising businesses on two-way US-Africa trade (including AGOA), and work with foundations, NGOs, and governments on business strategies, political risk analysis and projects primarily focused in sectors that aid economic development for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSAfrica).
The focus of FE3DS Advising Firm is on businesses associated with and linked to the pillars in the FEEEDS Initiative as described above since these are the areas needing the most business development in SSAfrica as well as in other developing regions of the global community.
Current business client areas are: aviation security, technology & mobile platforms (non-executive director for large cell tower company), Nigeria's power sector, financial services, solutions for small and medium size enterprises, renewable energy (solar), affordable housing, small manufacturing & export of US goods and services, and vocational training through its partnership with the Nigerian-based Foundation for Skills Development.
Dr. Sanders as CEO of FE3DS, LLC also has served as former Chairperson of the US EXIM Bank SubSaharan Africa Committee, is a member of the United States Trade Representative Trade Advisory Committee for Africa (TACA), and is a member of US Chamber of Commerce.
Explaining the Elements of the FEEEDS Acronym:
Food Security, Education, Environment-Energy, Economics, Development-Democracy, Self Help
Food Security - meaning smart food security which includes access to not just food but nutritional food;
Education - representing the entire range of education from knowledge management to knowledge usage, which includes training, retraining, entrepreneurship, and formal education;
- Environment-Energy - climate smart enabling environments for communities to thrive, renewable energy and alternative energy resources and solutions;
- Economics - enhancing living wages, ensuring governments, and community leaderships manage budgets and tax payer dollars not only effectively, but efficiently in order to address social service needs;
- Democracy-Development - linking these two symbiotic issues are key to improving life-quality, especially for people of color;
- Self-Help - realizing that identity for anyone provides self-esteem, but for nations and people of color this also represents both power and empowerment.
The Africa Post - The Blog for FEEEDS
The FEEEDS blog is called The Africa Post (TAP) which focused on articles written by Ambassador Sanders on Africa policy, political and economic issues. www.blogitrrs.blogspot.com (see blog page tab at left on menu for latest postings)
Both FEEEDS and FE3DS have adopted an entrepreneurial, lithe, small structure for both the Advocacy Initiative and the Advising Firm. They both work with or through strategic partnerships for projects needing or requiring on-ground implementation, particularly as regarding to focusing on an emphasis on local content.

Office Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time - USA
1875 Eye Street, Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20006
GoGreen! Send all correspondence via email:fe3ds.llc@gmail.com or use the contact us tab